Night Mares - Mares Nocturnos

Data 28/01/2012 00:50:53 | Tópico: Poemas

You wanna be normal?
You wanna be normal?

An imoral underdog of colective

Wanna follow the narrow line
Follow the line

Take a seat joining us

Follow the lead to my button
Hit my button, push
Hit my bottom

Scratch me from rock bottom
Recall reading you in my
dream just as any
passerby would recall I

might be just a name
hold dearest of an old man fighting
to remember the stranger he
denied uttering for
in midst of a thumbfight with
the last breath I

might be death wavering
to remind opening veins to a
new lace on a bridal dress I

might be a sorted out chance
in a velvet bag and speak
God-ish for the sake of what
dwells inside and

what's the matter of a dream
what's the matter with a dream I

might be waiting

Till it's all a veil drafted
Till it's all a step further
Till it's all an orgasmic explosion
made of foam, hay, little shiny
child marbles that maybe
hit us all


Hit the button

Hit the bottom

Hit the rock

Hit my button

Just around the common corner.
I start happening.

As minhas desculpas por este poema se encontrar em língua inglesa, contudo, escreveu-se na minha cabeça deste modo. Seguir-se-á uma tradução, em breve.

Este texto vem de Luso-Poemas

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