Tempo de Sonhos

Data 25/06/2012 11:20:17 | Tópico: Poemas -> Ilusão

Quando eu ainda menina
Soaroir 24/6/12

Sem tamancos e muitos sonhos

Ao caçar, papafumos¹ e vaga-lumes²,

Sem ideia do que esperar,

Do outro lado da montanha

Eu sonhava - naquele tempo -

Ser um encantado lugar

Este em que vivo agora.

¹ libélulas
² pirilampos


Soaroir de Campos,Brazilian,retired teacher and mother of two scientists,divides her time between volunteer work and her unpretentious poetry.

She has participated in several anthologies and in 2008 her poem "Os Mudamentos" was awarded the Cecina Moreira Cultural Association prize, on the category "free poem". Among others, she co-authored "Livro de Todos" – coordinated by Imprensa Oficial with introductory chapter by author Moacyr Scliar.

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