My Demise

Data 20/01/2020 09:15:52 | Tópico: Poemas

In the dead of the night
Under the pale Moon, Snowy fields
The cold wind blows
On my naked body.
Imprisoned in the flesh
I begin my journey to escape
This surreal reality
Where light shines unholy.
In a realm where everything repeats
Karma repeats
Oblivion repeats
Darkness repeats.
Try to control the feeling
Deprive the soul
Take away the dreams
Burn the hopes
Drown me in despair.
I will overthrow the king of kings
For the sake of my own salvation
Fight the oppressor
That oppresses from within.
I am one and the same
Unknown to death nor known to life.
Angelically born devilish
Blessed by the sins
Cursed by the virtues.
In this heavenly hell
By the concept of life and death
I transcend none.
Walking on the edges
Where no man dares to venture
Facing the anguish of the seven hells
I bring forth the end to all my ends.
My demise

Este texto vem de Luso-Poemas

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