
Data 19/09/2022 20:36:39 | Tópico: Poemas

After the storm, I saw!
I saw clearly the destruction of the winds,
And the true power of the waters
That flow through our body every single day.
It was for my dismay,
When I drown'd in the poluted liquid
That composes the one at play.
I could see, but I couldn't breath,
What is sight good for
When your understanding's beneath?
Nothing less and nothing more
But a simple reason to breathe
That is never there
But becomes belief
'Till it's only despair
And a forgetful grief,
'Till one can no longer bear
And becomes a professional thief
Of water, love and mess
That belongs
To someone else,
For the world is pointless
Without storms.

Este texto vem de Luso-Poemas

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