Data 25/04/2007 14:18:51 | Tópico: Poemas -> Góticos

(Davys Sousa, 9th day of April, 2007)

The flowers is cursed to fade,
The tree, the birds, the river, all the echoes of life,
All it is damned, damned to fade.

My heart seems to drive
In deep darkness that never vanishes.
Pain, sorrow and solitude
Walk into my entire soul.

They are inhospitable flowers loaded
In mournful manifests,
Mothworms that carry
Kernel of life to nought.
Chimeras that burn in countenance
With no hope, blind, lost…
Morbid confessions which soul not reveals.

My heart is like flowers
With black thorns that hurt me.

I’ve wandered in silent steps into the Night
Shadows withdraw from my day-dreams
To scare me for life… my life in sight
Consumes the ghosts inside.

Down of my being I dissolve myself into a gleam of darkness
And I surrender to its power over my darkest side,
Far from the flesh joys, cursed carcass
O damned! Damned! O lifetime! O fantasies!
My destiny, plunged to the prison of my soul, will it be.
The joys of life are denied and weak to the flesh
Consumed by the darkness.

Alone in prison of my mind and my soul
O dream! O my Guardian of nighttime!
My sad tears drowned and withdrawn from my inside hell.
O who can understand?
Sing, my soul, the despair and its death.
Death will return into the realm of glory time
Spreading the ghosts inside my torments.
My heart bleeds with no peace but in wartime.
Alone I wait my destiny
For I am lost in hidden paths of me
And my voice echoes in its eternity.

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